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My Blog


Prosperity  – an abundance of all good things – is not only possible, it is your birthright! Prosperity is the natural order of the world and the way things are intended to be for humans.The trouble is, most of us are unaware of just what force causes our life to be the way it is – for good or for ill.  Why do some of us appear to be so “lucky, “ while others seem to have nothing but challenges befall them? Is it just “fate” or happenstance – or is something more going on here?



The creator behind The Secret, a 2006 documentary film that started the Law of Attraction as a global movement.  The following year the book version of The Secret was released, and remains one of the longest-running bestsellers of this century. Her other bestselling titles include my favorite The Power (2010), as well as The Magic (2012), and Hero (2014). I also highly recommend How the Secret Changed My Life (2016) to see how The Secret has impacted many real people’s lives.


This is about as far on the woo-woo scale as you can get with any Law of Attraction teacher. If you can keep an open mind, there is a gold mine of wisdom and practical techniques for using positive energy to co-create what you want in the work of Jerry and Esther Hicks. The teacher is actually “Abraham,” who is a non-physical group of spiritual entities who speak through Esther. (I have seen her do it in person.) I believe one of the best of their many books is Ask and It Is Given. There are also countless YouTube videos you can check out.


His classic book The Four Agreements should be required reading in high school. If we only followed these four simple rules, life could be a dream for us all! 


Lux Programs, co-founded by Alison Armstrong, is dedicated to facilitating great relationships between men and women through understanding and communicating effectively with each other.  I have taken several of her courses and credit them with helping me find my Mr. Right and keep our marriage happy! Whether you are single, divorced, married, of whatever age, Alison’s courses and books (some of them free) are invaluable resources.

When I began the four-hour course in June, I immediately started to really focus on my goal of finding 10 enthusiastic new team members to join me in my direct selling business. This was a real stretch goal for me -- especially since I am 8 months pregnant! And, even though I was not working on building my business at my usual pace, I still had incredible results.
What made the biggest difference in the whole process you taught me was about the importance of having a positive BELIEF about my goal. I didn’t realize that I was actually holding myself back with an old, limiting belief about recruiting new team members. You helped me uncover exactly what my negative belief was and how to replace it with a new, empowering belief that really lights me up!


Mel is a funny, painfully honest life coach and speaker. Her 5-Second Rule became an instant classic from one 20-minute TEDx talk, so she turned it into a book. Save yourself years of therapy wondering “Why can’t I make myself do the things I know I should do?”  Mel teaches you one unbelievably simple technique that overrides internal resistance, even panic attacks!


You Are a Badass and You Are a Badass at Making Money have become her trademark techniques to show you exactly how to stop self-sabotage and get on with making your Big Dreams come true.  Hysterically funny as well as the BEST training on how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest prosperity I’ve ever read. 

Christian & Spiritual Prosperity Teachers


A tell-it-like-it-is, humorous but very impactful approach to what it REALLY takes to manifest the life of your dreams with God’s help.  Edwene is a long-time spiritual-focused prosperity teacher who has had the greatest impact on my life and work of just about anyone. My very favorite book of hers, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, is also on audio and I have listened to it over and over. 


His is a more traditional but also very positive Christian approach to co-creating your heartfelt desires with God by knowing God’s promises and strengthening your faith in them. His messages of hope and uplifting belief fill stadiums. My all-time favorite of his books is The Power of Favor.


She is a highly successful entrepreneur who started seven multi-million-dollar companies using The Gratitude Formula.  May created this simple technique for connecting with your Higher Power and subconscious mind on a daily basis to receive ALL the practical guidance you need to manifest everything you want. This book literally changed my own life. I use it daily and it is required reading for all my coaching clients, as well. To me, it’s even more important than The Secret.


A longtime Unity minister and author of many books. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity is a classic, chock-full of amazing Bible-based techniques that can strengthen your abundance mentality and attract unlimited good things to you. 

You can write to her, and she sends back brochures and newsletters and typewritten letters!  Try It! Unity Church Worldwide P.O. Box 1709 Palm Desert, CA 92261

Thank You!

I appreciate your interest and will be in touch soon! 

Schedule a complimentary call with me in the meantime to talk about achieving your BIGGEST success yet!


I’ve never talked to a single person who didn’t want more prosperity in their life.

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