about CAROLL
Caroll Michel Schwartz has considerable experience in marketing research, direct sales, customer service training, team building, fundraising and teaching.
As a published freelance writer and magazine editor she enjoys writing her weekly blog, A Cup of Caroll. She holds a B.A. in English Literature with High Honors from the University of California, Irvine and a secondary teaching credential in English round out her early education.
As a full-time professional life and business coach, speaker and trainer since 2004, Caroll’s clients include direct sellers, entrepreneurs, Realtors™, managers, and mortgage brokers. Professional writers, professors, actors and attorneys also frequently seek out her prosperity coaching. Clients in every state of the USA, as well as many countries internationally, have benefited from her mentoring.
Caroll Schwartz has a thoughtful approach to coaching that encourages a unique combination of acknowledging gratitude and keeping accountable to my action plan.
Her approach has helped me achieve multiple goals. Drilling down to my true desires and calling my bluff when I let my inner naysayer get the best of my dreams has been of great benefit. I began to recognize more and more ways how situations aligned to help me meet my goals. In addition, Caroll encouraged me to set up systems, and practice organizational protocols, which help my busy weeks run smoothly and productively.
Most importantly, Caroll has encouraged me to move beyond my comfort zone, and in so doing, achieve a lifestyle I had been seeking for many years.
direct seller and entrepreneur
coaching expertise
Following two years of intensive volunteer coaching in various leadership and personal development programs, Caroll took her initial training and certification in the Fundamentals of Life Coaching from Coach U, one of the largest, most respected coaching training programs in the world.
She then took extensive training in several coaching specialties, culminating in the creation of her own unique program she calls Practical Prosperity Coaching ™. This approach uses proven tools and techniques for building a winning mindset and harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction, making it much faster and easier for her clients to reach their Big Goals.